We've all done it - had one too many glasses of good wine on a first date and started opening up wa-a-a-y too much about ourselves. No one needs to know about your past bad relationships before they even decide whether they want to askus out for date #2. They also don't need to know about childhood illnesses, college daliances or father issues.
So, I stumbled across these tips on topics that are off limit if you want to avoid having your date leave skidmarks as he peels away from the curb following your first date.
Here are three types of information you should feel in no rush to discuss too readily:
Your deepest, darkest secrets.
Everyone has something lurking in their past they are not proud of, ranging from merely embarrassing to possibly incriminating. It is tempting, in the first euphoric weeks of dating, to play relationship “Truth or Dare,” to demonstrate your seriousness or transparency. It is advisable to save those incendiary revelations for safer times down the road when you know each other better.
Your romantic history.
Eventually, you both could have a legitimate claim to details like why past relationships ended or if you’ve been engaged before. But until you are ready to move the relationship toward greater exclusivity and commitment, beware of the potential for misunderstanding and other unintended consequences if you reveal too much.
Your money matters.
Many people in our society draw conclusions about others based on their income, investments, family wealth (or poverty), and so on. You want to be evaluated on who you are—your personality, beliefs, ambitions—not your income-generating potential. Sometime later, when your relationship is further along, you and your partner will likely talk openly about finances. But in the early stages, use discretion.
So, I stumbled across these tips on topics that are off limit if you want to avoid having your date leave skidmarks as he peels away from the curb following your first date.
Here are three types of information you should feel in no rush to discuss too readily:
Your deepest, darkest secrets.
Everyone has something lurking in their past they are not proud of, ranging from merely embarrassing to possibly incriminating. It is tempting, in the first euphoric weeks of dating, to play relationship “Truth or Dare,” to demonstrate your seriousness or transparency. It is advisable to save those incendiary revelations for safer times down the road when you know each other better.
Your romantic history.
Eventually, you both could have a legitimate claim to details like why past relationships ended or if you’ve been engaged before. But until you are ready to move the relationship toward greater exclusivity and commitment, beware of the potential for misunderstanding and other unintended consequences if you reveal too much.
Your money matters.
Many people in our society draw conclusions about others based on their income, investments, family wealth (or poverty), and so on. You want to be evaluated on who you are—your personality, beliefs, ambitions—not your income-generating potential. Sometime later, when your relationship is further along, you and your partner will likely talk openly about finances. But in the early stages, use discretion.